Rooms Food and catering industry

KWC sinks and taps are developed to meet the needs of the high-end gastronomy sector. They bring convenience, efficiency and high-tech features to commercial kitchens: premium in every respect.

Contact us

Do you have questions about our washroom and sanitary facilities for public and commercial properties? Our team will be happy to answer your questions about products, their features and functions, areas of application and planning advice!


Get in touch by phone

If you would like to place an order or have a general query, please get in touch.
North: +44 (0) 1246 458900 South: +44 (0) 1803 529021

Project support and sales queries

If you are working on a project and require support please get in touch with our estimating team. If you would like to place an order or have a general sales query please contact our sales support.
Estimating Sales support